Friday 27 February 2015

Benifit of blowing shankha

The conch blowing is a procedure by which , powerful cosmic waves travel in such a way to destroy the , harmful germs from environments and it is more effective  at the time of sunrise. It is clear that conch blowing is not a religious symbol and it is a environments naturopathy. Daily blowing of conch is helpful for speech therapy, resparatory treatments and psychological treatments.  The blowing of Shankh for different purposes, in different styles and sounds, creates the different results, mentioned in ancient Bogshadi Vidya

The conch posses supernatural scientific significances with  great power of  balancing the ecological balances in environments . The Shankha Dhwani creates the sound waves , by which many harmful germs,insects [not visible with open eye] , destroyed immediately. The mosquito breeding also effected by conch blowing, to decrease the malaria. The conch blowing is pure environmental injection to improve the quality of  living being.

The sound of the conch with its inherent 7.83 hertz can be heard by the ears and well as the human heart.

The conch can sound at the fundamental frequency 7.83 hertz of OM , the Hindu king mantra.  OM opens up quantum tunneling for the wormholes to happen , where the speed of light is NOT the limiting factor. 

Monday 16 February 2015

Bad habit to quit for a healthy living

You became an 'Owl' at night

Many of us, burn the midnight oil for exam preparations and work. But if this becomes routine, you will damage your body in the long run. Without 6-8 hours of good sleep, you are damaging your immune system and other body processes and systems. Due to lack of sleep, your immune system becomes weak and thus produces fewer 'germ fighters' - lowering your tolerance for withstanding common bugs in your environment. To fight against various diseases, it is necessary to at least get a minimum of 7-8 hours of good sleep on most nights of the week. A good night's sleep also helps you stay awake and fresh throughout the day.

I am so 'lonely'

Dr. Vahia says - the key for good health is a healthy and fresh mind. If your mind is unhealthy, it will affect your immune system and put you at several health risks. If you spend most of your time obssessing over your loneliness, and any other social challenges, or whatever could cause feelings of despair and frustration, then you are harming your mental health, detaching yourself from people, and stressing your mind and body.

Wearing headphones for long hours

Headphones or earphones are the sole companions for some of us throughout the day. We listen to music to pass time, while travelling or while working out. But, if you have plugged in for hours, with no breaks, then you need to keep this habit under check. Dr. Vihang says - listening to loud music via earphones, can cause hearing loss. He further adds - headphones aren't the culprits, it is the volume and the hours that can land you in trouble. Besides, ignoring minor symptoms of hearing loss is also one of the biggest criminals.

TV trouble

Sitting for hours on the couch, watching that idiot box can put your heart and eyes at risk. Watching too much TV can put you at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and obesity. The more you are glued to the TV, the more immobile life will affect your levels of fat and sugar in your blood. Besides, it also strains your eyes and causes damage to the refractive lens.

Wearing heels

Women who wear heels on a daily basis, do lots of harm to their bodies. Dr. Tina Mahendraker - Physiotherapist, Mumbai says - high heels can affect your posture, put pressure on joints - which can cause arthritis, back pain and tendon injuries and other heels related accidents. Thus to prevent such horrible effects on your health Dr. Tina says - limit your heels to not more than 1.5 inches, and wear insoles to reduce the pressure on your joints.

Carrying an extra heavy bag

We love to carry our world wherever we go, because we can't afford to miss a single thing. This habit of hauling the world with our (lots and lots of) worldly things on the back or shoulder causes lots of harm to our health. Carrying heavy bags can cause various long term effects like serious back pain, neck pain and poor posture - says Dr. Tina. Hence, to avoid ageing your body prematurely, do yourself a favour and empty that bag.

Snacking, even if not hungry

If you disrupt your regular eating pattern, then your body will no longer send hunger signals and you may end up eating even when you are full. This extra eating can flood your body with extra calories and unhealthy ingredients, which can further cause serious chronic health problems like diabetes, heart problems and acidity.

Lying constantly

Surprised to see this one on a healthy living post? Those minute white lies can cause serious damage to your health. If you lie constantly, you will have constant fear of the truth being disclosed, this will create a feeling of stress in you, says - Dr. Vihang. Stress, is the worst thing for your body, as it damages your heath due to the release of stress hormones. Besides, it further leads to headaches and anxiety.

Skipping breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - says Ms. Eileen - Nutritionist, Mumbai. If your entire breakfast comprises one cup of rushed coffee and a toast, then you're setting yourself up for an unhealthy future. This will affect your digestive system. Besides, it will also harm your energy reserves and negatively affect your metabolism. If you skip your breakfast, you are likely to eat more during the other meals and this can lead to weight gain. Eileen says - the key to a good breakfast is a balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Ignoring sex

Whatever the reason for a low libido might be, whether too much work or stress, avoiding sex altogether for many days and months at a time is not good. Sex is good for you and your health. It helps to improve your immune system and relationship. But if you are not interested in this pleasurable act, then you need to talk to your doctor immediately. Because, a low libido can be beyond stress, it can be caused due to an under active thyroid, hypertension or simply a hormonal imbalance.

Fast eating

Eating at lightning speed due to work pressure or lack of time can adversely affect your digestive system. You should take at least 20 minutes to finish each meal. If you just gulp your food, without chewing it properly, it can cause acidity, bloating and excess gas in your stomach. Hence, slow down and enjoy your food.

Bad habit to quit for a healthy living # 20: Picking at your skin

If there is some flaw on your face, you must resist yourself from constantly stressing on it. If you constantly keep worrying about acne by touching it, it will act up more. Besides it will lead to scars and inflammation. Hence, stop picking at your face to avoid worsening skin issues.



Why should one wear Shiva's Rudraksha?
Rudraksha is a amalgamation of two words ‘Rudra’ meaning ‘Shiva’ and ‘Aksha’ meaning eyes. The Rudraksha tree is believed to have originated from Lord Shiva's tears. The Rudraksha beads range from being one faced to 21 faced; however, only 1-14 faced Rudraksha are worn by humans. Each of them has their own significance and is believed to have a few extraordinary powers. Read on to know…

Ideal for Body, Mind & Soul
Rudraksha induces power in the body, which fights against diseases hence improving overall health. As per Ayurveda, Rudraksha strengthens the body constitutions. It removes the blood impurities and strengthens the body substance. It removes the bacteria inside as well as outside the Human Body. Rudraksha removes the headache, cough, paralysis, and blood pressure, heart disease and maternity problems.

Rudraksha rosary is used for Japa
The process of Japa increases spiritual power and self-confidence to move in multi direction of life. Therefore, Rudraksha seeds are found be useful for providing health benefits as well as helps in gaining spiritual success. Wearing Rudraksha results in the destruction of sins from previous birth that causes difficulties in the present life.

Rudraksha wards off negativity
As per the ancient Indian scripture like Purana, it is well known that Each Rudraksha is linked with Particular deity. This Positive Power in terms of Deva or Devi always protects the wearer from Negative Powers and enmity and provides a powerful shield against all negativities.

Rudraksha has no religion
Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between earth and heaven, and though Hindu scriptures like the updated Jabal Rudrakasha Upanishad have made the berries their own, modern scholars and gurus have described them as being of no particular religion or rather non religious & have pointed out that they can be used as a mala, rosary or Tasbih (sibah).

Health benefits of Rudraksha
Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious human beings. The Rudraksha helps in relieving from blood pressure and lessening stress. Soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it the next day to relieve stomach disorders. Dip it in any vegetable oil for 21 days, and apply it on your aching joints and feel the relief you get.

It’s a matter of Faith!
Of course, most people who have tried this have done so along with their regular medicine, but one must approach the Rudraksha with a mixture of open mindedness and faith, rationalism as well as emotion, to get positive feedback that is why many who put it under their pillow have sworn that it cured them of their insomnia. Ancient medical texts claim that the Rudraksha can prevent aging and can prolong life.

Rudraksha boosts luck
The Rudraksha Beads have also been boosting the luck and prosperity of the wearer significantly. It is quite understandable as with enhanced self-esteem and confidence one achieves greater success in all ventures. Buddha wore them, Gandhi wore them, and Dalai Lama wore them.

Medicinal & Scientific Value of Rudrakasha
Rudrakasha beads have several amazing powers due to their electromagnetic character. This Electromagnetic character empowers the bead to cure the human body medically as well as spiritually.

Specialty of Ek Mukhi Rudrakasha
The Majestic thing in Ek mukhi Rudraksha is its overcoming natural powers. This Rudraksha makes the person equal to Lord Shiva. It transmits Abundant Power. Salvation (Mukti) is in his hands!

Rudraksha malas
Rudraksha malas with 108 beads is called Purnamala, with 54 beads is known as Ardhamala and with 27 beads is called the Nakshatra mala. A Mala with 21 mukhis of Rudraksha is known as Indra Mala and is extremely rare.

Rudraksha and the 5 elements
Rudrakshas are said to have properties of panchadhatu (5 elements) – which when energized by cosmic rays and transmitted in to human body results into good health and peace in life. So, wearing or chanting with Rudraksha malas are said to have very good healing properties.


Thursday 12 February 2015

Math in real life

=>Number of match to be played in a league round, each team playing each other team once.

N = (X^2 - X) / 2
Here X is no. of team in league.
So for example if there is 7 team in a league than no. of match =(7^2 -7)/2 = 21

Friday 6 February 2015

11 genius home remedies you must know!

Menstrual pain: Mix the juice of 2-3 lemons in cold water and have it every day for relief.

Chronic headache: Peel and chop apple. Dash some salt and have it the first thing in the morning.

Flatulence: Mix about 1/4th spoon of baking soda in water and drink for relief.

Sore throat: Boil 2-3 basil leaves in water and let it boil on low flame till the juice of the leaf is extracted. You can use the liquid for gargle.

Mouth ulcers: Ripe banana with honey offer instant relief. This can be turned into a paste and applied on affected areas.

Sinus congestion: Mix organic apple cider vinegar with a pinch of cayenne pepper powder in less than half a cup of hot water. Have it while it is warm atleast twice a day.

High BP: Have amla with milk daily is believed to lower blood pressure. This should ideally be taken early in the morning.

Asthma: Mix one tablespoon of honey with half tablespoon cinnamon. Have it at bedtime.

Dandruff: Mix camphor with coconut oil. You can apply this every night before going to sleep

Premature graying of hair: Dry amlas and cut boil in coconut oil till the amla pieces turn like charred dust. Massage it daily on the skin.

Dark circles: Mix orange juice with glycerine to lighten the dark circles.
