Tuesday 2 December 2014

Ten Simple Ways to Boost Your Vision

With computers, tablets and mobile phones, we are constantly staring into screens and forget the damage it does to our eyes. It's time to give your eyes some rest and the TLC they need. Follow these tips to improve your vision and care for your eyes.

Relax your eyes: From the time you wake up until you sleep, your eyes are constantly working. Relax them at intervals. Rub your palm together briskly to ignite warmth in your hands. Cup your palms over your eyes and let them relax. Repeat this ​exercise ​through the day especially if you are constantly working on a computer.

Maintain moisture: It is important for your eyes to be moist. Dry eyes can be itchy, red and painful. So from time to time, give your eyes a break and blink to main moisture in your eyes.

Eye exercise: Even your​ eye muscles require exercise. So do the 20/20/20 exercise as often as you can. Every twenty minutes focus on an object for twenty seconds which is twenty feet away from the eyes. This exercise will help your eyes feel better.

Increase flexibility: Don’t let your eyes stay positioned at one place. Roll your eyeballs about five times at several intervals to increase the flexibility of your eyes and maintain good eyesight.

Decrease screen brightness: If you are working for hours together at the computer, keep the screen brightness​ minimal​. This will help your eyes relax and prevent them from getting strained.

P.S. Don’t decrease the brightness so much that you have trouble reading the text.

Take small breaks: Your eyes need rest too. If you work for long hours at a computer, take short intervals every two hours. If you can’t move around, close your eyes for ten seconds and relax. This will prevent your eyes from getting strained.

UV rays are harmful: Wear a good pair of sunglasses, especially ones that provide UV protection. This actually helps improve your vision.

Feed your eyes: Veggies like carrots, blueberries, apricots are high in beta-carotene that is ​good for eyesight. Include these items in your daily diet to see visible results​.

Avoid wearing lenses too long:  If you already suffer from poor eyesight, don’t worsen it with various contact lenses. Do not wear lenses for more than 19 hours a day and never sleep with your contact lens on. Also, don't forget to clean your lenses regularly.

The cucumber trick: Place slices of cucumber on your eyelids. Cucumbers contain ascorbic acid and caffeic acid which prevent water retention. Cucumbers are considered the best treatment for inflammation and dermatitis of the eyes.​

Courtesy: http://idiva.com/