Friday 27 February 2015

Benifit of blowing shankha

The conch blowing is a procedure by which , powerful cosmic waves travel in such a way to destroy the , harmful germs from environments and it is more effective  at the time of sunrise. It is clear that conch blowing is not a religious symbol and it is a environments naturopathy. Daily blowing of conch is helpful for speech therapy, resparatory treatments and psychological treatments.  The blowing of Shankh for different purposes, in different styles and sounds, creates the different results, mentioned in ancient Bogshadi Vidya

The conch posses supernatural scientific significances with  great power of  balancing the ecological balances in environments . The Shankha Dhwani creates the sound waves , by which many harmful germs,insects [not visible with open eye] , destroyed immediately. The mosquito breeding also effected by conch blowing, to decrease the malaria. The conch blowing is pure environmental injection to improve the quality of  living being.

The sound of the conch with its inherent 7.83 hertz can be heard by the ears and well as the human heart.

The conch can sound at the fundamental frequency 7.83 hertz of OM , the Hindu king mantra.  OM opens up quantum tunneling for the wormholes to happen , where the speed of light is NOT the limiting factor. 


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